[esa-t474] Things to do before running

Mark Slater slater at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Fri Mar 28 15:16:35 GMT 2008

Dear All,

Before Easter, Bino, Nigel and myself had a get-together to discuss  
the upcoming run. We came up with the following list of things that need 
to be done beforehand to ensure we have good BPM resolution and also some 
specific T480/T474 things. Please add/remove as you see fit. Also, we will 
probably be quite short-staffed for this run and so if anyone wants to 
volunteer to be in charge of a specific area, do say so. I've 
'volunteered' some people already so please confirm if this is OK!



General BPM Jobs

Determine channel map (Yury?) 
Setup scripts for processing, Data quality, Calibration (HH), Cal Tone 
(Bino very kindly said he will set this up beforehand and I'll make sure 
it's all working beforehand) 
Check Cal tone running (Alex?) 
Tune Cavities (Yury?) 
Alignement Mover Systems (MikeW?)
Interferometer (MikeH?)

1 Shift to determine:

	Frequency Run  (Freqs, decays, t0s, Bandwidth)
	Optimise Attenuation / Dynamic Range (maybe a bit optimistic)


Take in situ Magnet Data
Decide on fields/magnet running


~2 shifts:
	Find edges of collimators
	Collimator surveys
	Optics (Frank isn't available so any help here would be 
	LOLA (Steve?)

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