[esa-t474] comments chapter 5

Bino Maiheu bino at hep.ucl.ac.uk
Sun Sep 30 10:40:35 BST 2007

Hi Mark,

Still have some comment on chapter 5, didn't manage to get through it
entirely, my apologies.


General comments :

- In how far are the results presented here representative for the
  whole running period. It is particulary suspicious if we start
  quoting runnumbers for specific results. I think this is still a
  point in the paper we need to address...

- Get rid of the SetLineWidth(2)... will look horrible, all the same
  linewidths for the plots and use tick marks on the right vertical
  and top horizontal axes. 

- Suggest to make most of the plots in this chapter not as single
  plots, but multi-panel plots (2x2, 2x4 etc..), so one big canvas and
  equal scales on the vertical axis, so two plots next to each other,
  and a couple of plots on top of each other with at the bottom one
  common time axis. The title can go into the plot itself. This looks
  a lot better. This needs a bit of fiddling in ROOT, ( compare with
  PAW : set xwin, set ywin to something small), but i think it will
  improve the looks a lot !

- Also get rid of the error bars in plots 19,20 etc... This quite
  frankly looks absolutely horrible. One could have the sigma/sqrt(N)
  as error accompanied by the yellow band which represents the
  RMS. resolution, but this doesn't mean much. So I suggest just have
  the center value and the yellow band, maybe even with the points
  connected by a line... 

- Plots with more than one line in them need a legend inside the
  plot. 2x2, 2x4 multiplots need it just once.

Chapter 5. Results from 2006 running

 - line 579 : BPM Precision -> BPM resolution

 - line 582 : get rid of "in a single BPM orientation"

 - line 583 : "'outer' cavities..." sounds a bit strange, need to find
              a different word. "Spectator, reference", donno..

 - line 584 : gaussian -> "Gaussian"

 - line 585 : "... measured the overall precision of the BPMs" 
       -> suggest replace by : "... measured the combined resolution of
                                the BPMs"

 - line 589 : "... is the width of the residual distribution
               calculated above."
       -> suggest replace by : ".. is the combined resolution."

 - line 593 : get rid of "outer".

 - lines 593 -> 600 : rephrase all this 

 - Table 10 : what is the meaning of these errors on the resolutions ?
              don't really understand, get rid of them. Don't think
              resolutions need to have errors on them.

 - line 599 : get rid of "(a 30 min stability run)"

 - line 602 : don't really understand the argument in saying that the
              measured precisions for 9-11 are in agreement with the 
              values in Table 4 (values quoted in nm ?!). But maybe I
              just missed the point around table 4... Prob. needs to
              be more clear...
 - line 603 : "The precision for BPM 3-5 are significantly higher"
       doesn't really sound logical, would use "worse" 

 - line 605 : get rid of "Zygo"

 - Figure 15:  - line with 1
               - add tick marks
               - horizontal axis labels -> 1 -> 20 and not 600->1800


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