[esa-t474] Timetable for paper comments/discussions

Mark Slater slater at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Tue Sep 25 13:38:03 BST 2007

Dear All,

	Thanks for all the comments that have been sent so far. Generally, 
they seem to have been positive which is good! In order to try to complete 
the paper to everyone's satisfaction, I've come up with a timetable:

28th - A (sort of) deadline for comments

29th-30th - I have a fun weekend trying to put as many comments in as I 
can :) The updated version will be available on Sunday night (UK time). 
I don't expect people to go over this version in detail as before but 
maybe just use as  a checklist to make sure their comments have been added 
to their satisfaction.

1st October - Would it be possible to have a phone meeting after the ESA 
meeting (say 9:30-10:30 (US time)) to discuss the main points raised? The 
trivial spelling errors, etc. wouldn't need to be gone over, just the 
serious questions of content and presentation people still have.

2nd October - Meeting in UCL for a complete read-through. Open to anyone 
who can make it. Shall we say 11am-6pm (UK time)? Maybe with a phone 
conference set up for the last few hours so anyone who can't make it can 
phone in?

3rd -> end of week - I put in final comments and format for NIM. I'll make 
this version available for the week after (-> 12th) and submit on the 15th 
if everyone agrees. I'm willing to pull this forward if everyone is happy.

Hoes does all that sound? I'm hoping this will give all interested parties 
ample oppurtunity to make their voice heard!

Please let me know if anyone has any problems with this or wish to suggest 
a different strategy.



p.s. Bino/Alex/Matt - could you book somewhere for Tuesday please? Thanks!

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