[esa-t474] updated calibrations

Smith, Jonathan (smithjd) j.d.smith at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Aug 25 18:14:40 BST 2006

Oops, one detail I should have probably mentioned. The list of files in root weren't copied from anywhere, but where submitted to yakut as batch jobs. As I don't submit much to the queue on yakut I imagine they all ran with relatively high priority, and so all appeared pretty quickly. Yury's suggestion that that element of processing is done with the queue on yakut, rather than doing it locally with esaanal6 or whatever was one thing I did implement in this script (or specifically in the customised version of runBPM_noprefix_js.csh or whatever it's called)


From: esa-t474-bounces at hep.ucl.ac.uk on behalf of Bino Maiheu
Sent: Fri 25/08/2006 17:29
To: esa-t474 at hep.ucl.ac.uk
Cc: andre.sopczak at cern.ch; adriana at hep.man.ac.uk; N.K.Watson at rl.ac.uk; j.l.fernandez.hernando at dl.ac.uk
Subject: [esa-t474] updated calibrations

Hello everyone,

Just to keep you guys up to date as far as the July runs are concerned.
So far, I've done all the calibrations up till run 1460. This means for

- T474 the 24 hours of stability data, which ranges from runs 1416 ->
1460 should be there in say 5hrs (last runs are getting processed now).
There are a couple of up-to-date calibrations missing, around runs 1340
and 1360. However, gave priority to the T480 data. Will have this set
soon as well.

- T480, all the runs should be there except the set, which goes from
1461 -> end (basically). These I'll do the next couple of days.

- Still have to have a look back to the internal clock data which is
still left over from april.

Could the T480 guys please let me know what they already changed on
BpmConstDDC.index/calibration files and which runs they processed. Would
be helpful for sorting out what i still need to do for the april runs.

Jonny, could you tell me why the timestamps on a lot of runs changed to
Aug 22 (do an ls -ltr in /nfs/slac/g/esa/ilc/data) and have you as
owner. I suspect this has something to do with your matlab conversion as
you said earlier. But i'd like to know what exactly this script does and
what happened to those files. From the timedifference between those
files it looks like they weren't processed but copied from somewhere...

Best regards,


                                                 ( o o )
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